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Whether you are big or small, male or female, young or old, you can use Krav Maga to protect yourself. This summer we had the privilege to train the Houser family: Kale and Liz with their two sons Kye and Shea
Whether you are big or small, male or female, young or old, you can use Krav Maga to protect yourself. This summer we had the privilege to train the Houser family: Kale and Liz with their two sons Kye and Shea

Whether you are big or small, male or female, young or old, you can use Krav Maga to protect yourself. Almost all members of a family can learn Krav Maga to be safe. 💪🏽 This summer we had the privilege to train the Houser family: Kale and Liz with their two sons Kye and Shea. For two weeks they trained Krav Maga twice a day, six days a…

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There are no rules in an assault or life threatening situation so our system was designed with no rule-set in mind. Do whatever it takes to go home safe is our mentality 💯
There are no rules in an assault or life threatening situation so our system was designed with no rule-set in mind. Do whatever it takes to go home safe is our mentality 💯

There are no rules in an assault or life threatening situation so our system was designed with no rule-set in mind. Do whatever it takes to go home safe is our mentality Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense training will give you the skills and the mentality to fight back and win in the worst case scenario. We put ourselves in bad…

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Congratulations to Laura Andrews who was awarded her Krav Maga Orange Belt diploma for passing our Level 2 test on August 21! 💪
Congratulations to Laura Andrews who was awarded her Krav Maga Orange Belt diploma for passing our Level 2 test on August 21! 💪

Congratulations to Laura Andrews who was awarded her Krav Maga Orange Belt diploma for passing our Level 2 test on August 21! The next time you see Laura at our training center be sure to congratulate her and ask her how old she is. If Laura can pass the Level 2 test at her age then there are no excuses for rest of us…

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We train on groin strikes, throat strikes, eye gouges, and other techniques that would be considered “dirty” or a foul in a sanctioned sport fight because Krav Maga was not created with competition in mind. 💯
We train on groin strikes, throat strikes, eye gouges, and other techniques that would be considered “dirty” or a foul in a sanctioned sport fight because Krav Maga was not created with competition in mind. 💯

We train on groin strikes, throat strikes, eye gouges, and other techniques that would be considered “dirty” or a foul in a sanctioned sport fight because Krav Maga was not created with competition in mind. It was created to train people who would be fighting for their lives. That’s the mentality we have in our self-defense classes at Krav Maga…

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